Training Institute

At the beginning of 2023, the Lord gave me a NEW mandate with the training that I do. In the past, I was mostly focusing on leadership training. I will continue to do so; however, the NEW mandate is to also conduct training in two other areas: (1) technology and (2) church administration.

As I often say, “if you do not know how to use a computer in today’s day and age, you will be left behind!”

I do not want you to be left out or left behind! So, through the “Trailblazers International Training Institute” that is established under Ve-Anna Thomas Ministries, short courses (6-8 weeks) are offered in several areas in technology, leadership and church administration. More information is available on the flyer below:

Please note that all the technology courses are in-person only because I tried teaching those courses virtually before and it was not successful. Moreover, each participant will be seated around their own device during classes to receive a more “hands-on” experience.

However, the Leadership and Church Administration courses can be conducted both in-person and virtually.

The deadline to register for the Spring Semester is Friday 5th April 2024. To request an Application Form or for more information, please contact me. 

Also, I would like to notify you early that classes WILL NOT be offered in the Summer. The next set of courses would be offered in the Fall (September 2024). 

PS. Please feel free to share this information with a friend who you know might be interested. 

Looking forward to your support!